Teenager consultation

Many girls find their first visit to the gynecologist strange. In our teenager consultation, we take time for your first visit to our practice. The focus is not on the examination, but on the conversation with you. We are happy to answer all your questions: What do you need to know about menstruation?
Why is vaccination against cervical cancer important?
How do you protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases?
How do you use contraception?
An examination on the gynecological chair is not necessary in most cases. Usually, an ultrasound examination is completely sufficient.

During puberty the body changes and the first period begins. Your body produces more hormones that affect your mental balance. The feeling of insecurity and moodiness are typical and completely normal in this phase of life. 

We look forward to your visit with us. You are welcome to have your mother, girlfriend or boyfriend accompany you to the teenage consultation.

Many girls find their first visit to the gynecologist strange. In our teenager consultation, we take time for your first visit to our practice. The focus is not on the examination, but on the conversation with you. We are happy to answer all your questions: What do you need to know about menstruation?
Why is vaccination against cervical cancer important?
How do you protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases?
How do you use contraception?
An examination on the gynecological chair is not necessary in most cases. Usually, an ultrasound examination is completely sufficient.

Während der Pubertät verändert sich der Körper und die erste Periode setzt ein. Dein Körper produziert mehr Hormone, die sich auf dein seelisches Gleichgewicht auswirken. Das Gefühl der  Unsicherheit und Launenhaftigkeit sind typisch und völlig normal in dieser Lebensphase. 

Wir freuen uns über deinen Besuch bei uns. Gerne kannst du dich von deiner Mutter, Freundin oder Freund zur Teenagersprechstunde begleiten lassen.

Teenager Sprechstunde Frauenarzt Düsseldorf